Big Tickets

This summary sets out the requirements for the delivery of “Big Tickets”. These are items whose consumer packaging dimensions mean they cannot be stored in our automated warehouse. An item is classed as a ‘Big Ticket’ when minimal 3 items, in its packaging, does not fit in a box of the dimensions: 55cm*34cm*25 cm.


For each pallet/roll container, items/boxes must be sorted according to wehkamp product code (including size) or EAN13; if there are more than one pallet with a single product code, they must be placed together in the vehicle. Preference is given to deliveries on Euro pallets (120*80 cm) and the packages must be stacked in such a way that they do not extend beyond the footprint of the pallet.




























In exceptional cases, other storage requirements may be discussed with your contact person. Your contact person must make appropriate arrangements with the management of the warehouse concerned.

N.B.: in the case of shipments consisting of both ‘big tickets’ and ‘individual packages’  the shipment must be sorted according to this flow. ‘Big tickets’ and ‘individual packages’ may not be placed together on a single load carrier.



An item is classed as a ‘Big Ticket’ when minimal 3 items, in its packaging, does not fit in a box of the dimensions: 55cm*34cm*25 cm.

  • An assortment of items may be delivered on the pallets/roll containers, provided they are stacked snake-wise on the pallet or in the roll container according to wehkamp product code (including size) or EAN-13.
  • Each item must be individually packaged in a box;
  • A sealed box of stackable quality, without openings.
  • All products must be delivered in packaging suitable for both storage and transport to the consumer (suitable for dispatch and return).
  • As a rule, windows in packages are not accepted; however if the windows are very small, please get in touch with your contact person beforehand.
  • A set of two or more items (one wehkamp product code) must be packed together in a single product package; N.B.: the packing list must be drawn up according to the wehkamp product code (one number, quantity per wehkamp product code), i.e. not according to several original suppliers’ product codes.
  • Each item must bear an EAN-13 barcode. If the item does not have this, the wehkamp product code or supplier’s product code (provided it is available in the wehkamp systems) must be clearly displayed on the item.


If you need additional advice, please ask your contact person. Damaged products and products that do not meet the agreed requirements will not be accepted. Any expenses incurred shall at all times be for the account of the supplier. If you are unable to perform fit-for-stock deliveries, you must register as a customer at Larcom, see appendix 1 of the operational instructions.

Examples of boxes:









In the case of Big Tickets, a label on the pallet/roll container is not required. However, each item must bear an EAN13 barcode. If the item does not have this, the wehkamp product code or supplier’s product code (provided it is available in the wehkamp systems[1]) must be clearly displayed on the item.




[1] Ask your contact for the correct details.