2.7.1 wehkamp box label and barcode instructions

Barcode 128 or 128B (dimensions):

  • Minimum height 25 mm
  • Minimum width 50 mm
  • Margins left, right, top and bottom are 10 mm
  • Bar width is 3 points
  • White bar to narrow bar width ratio is 3.0
  • Resolution: 20 mil (0.5 mm)


Barcode 128 or 128B (contents):(inhoud):
Each box must bear a barcode label containing the following information:

  • Wehkamp product code, size, and quantities in the pack
  • The barcode consists of the initial letter D, wehkamp product code, size, and quantities in figures;
  • The barcode must be centred horizontally and be printed under the supplier name;
  • The information in the barcode must also be printed as a serial number directly under the barcode;
  • The barcode is to be stuck on every box, in the top right corner of the short side (front). The barcode is not to be placed in the centre of the box



wehkamp product code / size / quantity

  • Wehkamp product code consists of six figures, printed in sets of two with a hyphen as the delimiter (e.g. 31-28-76);
  • Size always consists of three figures and must be printed separately from the product code (three spaces between them). If the product does not have a size, these figures must be zeroes (e.g. 368 or 000); letters such as S – M – L cannot be processed – see order for the figures;
  • The number of products (0001 if there is one product in the pack) must be printed separately from the product size (separated by three spaces);
  • Wehkamp product code, size and quantity must be printed, centred horizontally, above the barcode


Name of supplier

  • The supplier’s name may consist of no more than 1 line;
  • The name should be printed above the barcode, to the left;