2.4.1 Delivery requirements for packaging of ‘hanging goods’ items

Hanging goods do not have to be packed according to item. In the case of hanging goods, every product must bear the wehkamp product code and size code. Multiple items can be packed in 1 plastic sheet cover to keep them clean during transport. It must be packed in such a way that the products are protected while in transit. The rule that the items must be grouped according to wehkamp product code and size applies here too.
Hanging goods must be delivered as follows:

  • hanging singly (grouped)
    – in this case, clothing hanger F44 or NA43 must be used
    – the delivery must be grouped according to size
    – this group must be protected by a plastic sleeve

Please note: the clothes hangers must be of new quality (no recycling)!
When clothing is packed in sleeves and delivered on clothes hangers, we request the use of the following types: